Monday, July 17, 2017

Oak Engine Open Sourced

Oakmound Studio has been working on Agent Blue for over a year and has developed an Engine alongside the game. Today we are happy to announce that our engine Oak is now at a stable point where we have decided to finally open source it on github. The Oak engine provides the basis for Agent Blue from creating the screen all the way up to the particles and collision system. If you are interested you can find it here.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Interacting with the environment

Stay tuned for the upcoming changes to Agent's collision and environmental interactions. Most recently we added collision to non-characters allowing them to be pushed and push each other completing our basic physics engine. In the next build you will be able to experiment with pushing around boxes to mess with enemies and open new paths for yourself!

Push boxes around to see how enemies, the environment and other boxes interact. Tell us if you find anything particularly great!